
Vol 3, Issue 3, 2019

 Cover  Editorial Board and Contents  Full Issue
The Role of Product Innovation in Mediating the Influence of Entrepreneurship Orientation on Marketing Performance   (A Study on Silver Craft MSMEs in Celuk, Gianyar)
Ade Mas Dwita Puspa Anjani, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa
Doi: 10.29226/TR1001.2019.109
 Abstract   Full Text
The Economic and Statistical Evaluation of Climatic Elements in Tabriz and Isfahan (in Iran)
Mohammad Yazdani
Doi: 10.29226/TR1001.2019.110
 Abstract   Full Text
Determinants of Linking Gaps Tea Production: Case Study of Tea Production Households in Northern Midland and Mountainous Region, Vietnam
Nguyen Nhu Trang
Doi: 10.29226/TR1001.2019.111
 Abstract   Full Text
Ethics of Price Strategies in Business
Piotr Masiukiewicz, Paweł Dec
Doi: 10.29226/TR1001.2019.112
 Abstract   Full Text